Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Welcome to Career Premiere! We are a program designed to better the lives of inmates that are approaching release by teaching them the ways to function in society to not only benefit their lives but those who are around them. We want to improve their ways and bad habits in order to turn them into regular functioning citizens here in the U.S.A.

We expect a descent percentage of inmates to take our skills and use them in the real world upon their release. By building their resumes up it well help them find a job easier then they would without one. We want them to be able to benefit from our program so that it won't lead them to doing wrong again. Our main focus is to establish a settled ground so they do not fall into the same endeavors  as they had in the past. Focusing on their future is out number one goal to benefit the lives of the inmates means benefiting the lives of our citizens as a whole.

Our Goals:
-Help them Build the skills needed to conduct a proper interview
-Build their literacy and reading skills
-Find them a job after release
-Improve their ability to communicate properly and work with others in a  proactive way
-Keep them busy and away from falling back into wrong doings that brought them to imprisonment

To get involved and help out with our program contact Rima Cario (298)931-1928 or contact at rcario@mix.wvu.edu. We can use all the help that is needed to benefit our lives as a whole!

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